Bachelor of Arts in 哲学

Bachelor of Arts in 哲学 at the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS) at the University of the Incarnate Word shapes analytical and strategic thinkers with a deep understanding of logic, argument and ethics -- all valuable skills for a variety of careers and future aspirations.



学生 studying philosophy learn to think critically, engage in moral and ethical reasoning, and identify and evaluate arguments, all of which can be valuable skills for a variety of career paths. 学生 will learn to think about ideas that have engaged people for centuries, confronting questions about free will, 道德, religion and more. Through this work, they develop and express their own opinions and will emerge well-prepared for many career fields including the 艺术s, 业务, 政府, 法律, religious studies or medicine.

哲学 Curriculum

B.A. in 哲学 degree at 校本 is a 121-hour degree program that integrates the major branches of philosophy, including Metaphysics, 认识论, Ethics and Logic, with an examination of philosophy in several different historical eras, including Ancient, 中世纪的, Modern and Contemporary. 校本 students also study World 哲学, exploring different global traditions of thought.

Because philosophy is at the he艺术 of the liberal 艺术s experience, a Bachelor of Arts in 哲学 allows students to synthesize insights from a wide variety of fields and sharpen their critical and creative skills in the process. The primary goal of 校本’s 哲学 program is not merely to promote the mastery of philosophical content, but to help cultivate the philosophical spirit by nourishing 校本 students' responsiveness to the wonder of being, their commitment to justice and their overall capacity to explore philosophical issues with creativity and critical insight. 校本’s smaller class sizes help foster group discussions as students seek to learn from each other and their diverse backgrounds in search of the common good.

Special topics available for 校本 students to study include:

  • Feminist 哲学
  • 哲学 of Religion
  • 应用伦理学
  • 正义
  • 美学
  • 哲学 of Film
  • 哲学 of Literature
  • 哲学 of Science and Technology
  • Phenomenology and Existentialism
  • The 哲学 of Black Music.

Training in philosophy features rigorous combinations of critical and creative reasoning. 研究生s of the program typically perform at the highest levels on entrance exams for graduate and professional studies such as the GRE, GMAT考试, LSAT和MCAT.

Careers in 哲学

A B.A. in 哲学 from 校本 opens the door to many career paths through the use of critical thinking and application. 校本 students can continue their education en route to becoming postsecondary teachers, 法律yers or doctors. 校本 students can also enter the career field in areas such as educational administration, management analysis, religious studies, computer science, 政府, 艺术, 图书馆学, 业务 and more. Management analyst jobs, one career for which majors are well-suited, are expected to grow 11%, while postsecondary teaching positions are expected to increase by 9% between 2019 and 2029, both of which are much faster than the national average.