Policies and Handbook

Teacher Education Program Policies and Handbook


Click on each accordion below to read policies and handbooks.


UIW教师教育项目手册为所有UIW教师候选人提供了一个项目概述. This handbook is intended to support students as they proceed through the program, prepare to apply to the Teacher Education Program, and as they prepare for teaching certification.

The requirements, policies, 程序会根据需要进行修改,以反映项目和德州教育局的变化. The handbook is updated each January.

See Handbook


Texas Education Code: TEC §22.083 & §22.0835

所有教师候选人必须符合所有现场经验站点(学校和组织)的背景调查要求。. 如果学生没有通过背景调查,该计划将只被通知状态. 学生将被引导到该组织的联系人那里获得详细信息. 背景调查将根据组织的程序和与未成年人的互动程度进行不同层次的调查. 由于背景调查而无法完成现场经验要求可能会阻止学生完成课程并继续学习该课程. 对这一要求有任何担忧的学生应该在课程早期与教师教育主任联系,讨论选择.

UIW的学生应该期待在整个课程和专业实践中进行背景调查, including:

  • Fieldwork associated with coursework
  • Prior to clinical teaching
  • Upon application for Texas teaching certification
  • Prior to employment as an educator

Preliminary Criminal History Evaluation

潜在的和现在的学生都有权要求由德州教育局进行的犯罪历史评估. 初步犯罪历史评估(PCHE)是对得克萨斯州教育工作者证书资格的评估,基于自我报告的犯罪历史. As a service to prospective candidates, TEA staff may perform an evaluation for a non-refundable fee of $50. The evaluation is voluntary and non-binding. The TEA website provides additional information:

Preliminary Criminal History Evaluations

Texas Administrative Code: TAC §228.20(h)

道成肉身的大学承认有责任准备和认证将成为有效教育者的候选人. 潜在有效性的证据包括学术、性格和专业素质.

候选人必须在注册指定的专业发展课程之前申请并接受教师教育计划. TEP的应用要求必须在应用时得到满足,并在整个项目的剩余时间内得到维护. 候选人将持续接受学术水平和专业倾向的评估. 如果候选人的学业成绩不符合项目要求,或者出现了关于候选人是否适合担任教育工作者的问题, the candidate may be dismissed. 接受教师教育计划允许向认证迈进,但不保证计划的继续或接受临床教学.

Reasons candidates may be dismissed from the Teacher Education Program include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Cumulative GPA falls below 2.75
  • Multiple professional disposition reports for minor-moderate infractions
  • Significant professional disposition (TEA Educator Code of Conduct) violation
  • A criminal background check that precludes field placement
  • 从大学转学或不出勤一年(临床教学前)
  • 未能在三年内完成临床教学实习的所有认证要求
  • 由于任何一段时间的不活动,考生所准备的认证领域的标准或测试要求发生了重大变化

Texas Administrative Code: 19 TAC §228.35 (a)(5)

UIW's Teacher Education Program will evaluate and may accept military service, training, or education toward the fulfillment of program prerequisite admission requirements. Military service, training, 或者教育必须与所考证书直接相关,不得代替证书考试. Service, training, or education may not count as part of the internship, clinical teaching, 或实习要求,并且必须在过去五年内由经批准的教育工作者准备计划或经认可的高等教育机构提供. The Director of Teacher Education will determine whether military service, training, or education is relevant and could be applied as a substitution.

Texas Administrative Code: 19 TAC §228.40 (d)

uw认证候选人有资格在接受教师教育计划(TEP)后开始认证测试过程。. 该计划实施了一个三步的过程,以支持候选人的认证测试准备. For each certification exam, the candidate must complete an online review, earn a passing score on the practice test, and earn a passing score on the state exam. In the event a candidate needs to retake a state exam, an intervention plan will be developed based on the candidate’s demonstrated needs. 此干预计划必须在提供状态测试批准之前完成.

uw教师教育计划提供实践测试并进行管理. 实践测试时间表发布在教师教育计划画布网站上,教师教育部门的所有学生都可以访问.

考试政策在每个日历年进行可能的修订,并在教师候选人开始他们的专业发展课程时提交给他们. 测试时有效的测试政策适用于所有uw认证候选人. uw学生不得参加认证考试的准备工作,除非他们已被正式接受的教师教育计划. 学生必须在TEP中保持良好的成绩,才能继续参加uw的考试. 威斯康星大学不允许为其他专业的候选人提供认证测试支持.

Texas Administrative Code: 19 TAC §228.70 (b)

化身世界的教师教育计划的大学致力于保持高质量, field-based program that adheres to specific laws and rules, generally related to state and federal requirements, set forth by the Texas Education Agency. uw投诉程序指南提供了及时有效地报告有关我们计划的调查和解决方案的流程.

Contact the UIW Teacher Education Department to begin the process.

Dr. Elda E. Martinez
Director of Teacher Education
Email: eemartin@uiwtx.edu

Dr. Denise Staudt
Dean, Dreeben School of Education
Email: staudt@uiwtx.edu

UIW Complaint Policy

TEA Complaints Against Educator Preparation Programs