


The 道成肉身的大学’s Math, Science, and Engineering complex includes the AT&T科学中心 which is designed for and utilized by both the Department of Biology and the Department of Chemistry. 这栋楼有两层生物实验室, 两层楼的化学实验室, 另一层专门用于研究, 都配备了最先进的实验室设备. Faculty offices and student study areas are also located throughout the building.



The 道成肉身的大学’s NMR Facility is located at the AT&T科学中心,对学生、教职员工开放. It includes two NMR spectrometers: A Bruker 300 MHz and an Anasazi Eft-90. 进入核磁共振设备需要事先培训. All researchers using the NMRs should pay a fee to use the NMR instruments. 这笔钱用于支付所有的运营费用, including cryogens (liquid helium and nitrogen) and maintenance of the instruments. 核磁共振设施的预订在这里在线完成.

超级磁铁实验室,就在航空航天研究所里面&T建筑, began with the Department of Defense Research and Education Program for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions (HBCU/MI) Equipment/Instrumentation grant proposal submitted in 2015 and awarded in 2016.

在实验室里有一个+/- 9特斯拉无制冷机, superconducting NMR magnet with a variable temperature sample space (room temperature down to 1.7k),这是2018年1月安装的一种设备. The lab also includes a Tecmag Redstone NMR spectrometer capable of measuring any NMR active element located in the lab.

目前,无硫超导磁体被博士利用. 罗莎·埃利亚Cárdenas博士.D., Associate Professor of Physics, and several undergraduate science students.



2006年重新装修并重新开放,配备了最先进的设备, 博尼拉科学大厅(BSH)是工程系的所在地, 数学, 营养, 大气科学(气象学)和物理在百老汇校区. BSH包括教室和现代流体力学实验室, 材料工程, 电子产品, 气象学(广播及业务), 营养健康, 力学, 小学教育. A math tutoring center is located on the third floor with a tutor on standby for students in need of math or statistic course assistance or requiring computer access. Also located on the second floor (BSH 216) is an 18-station computer lab that offers updated software for classes and private research.

Faculty have offices near their classrooms to allow for easy and open interaction between professors and students. 鼓励学生利用学习桌, 书写板, 以及位于北京西北区教员办公区的小型教科书图书馆. Multi-purpose meeting rooms equipped with A/V technology are available to faculty, 教职员和学生在二楼.



广播气象实验室, 位于博尼拉科学大厅327室, is used as a teaching and research space utilized by Broadcast Meteorology students. The lab has three studio cameras with teleprompter and through-the-lens live display, five production sets that span a range of TV stations in which students can work, 和一个大格式的绿色屏幕墙. 它还有几个用于播放短片的大画幅电视显示器, 突发天气新闻和深入的天气故事.

The real-time weather data and numerical weather prediction model results are provided by a 24/7 Baron weathercasting system data feed with Lynx software and highly trained staff. The Broadcast Meteorology lab also contains offline workstations to allow students to develop stories and weather graphics used during class. The lab is linked into K校本 TV for live broadcasting across the campus.

气候和数据实验室, 位于博尼拉科学大厅333室, is utilized for instructing students who are studying Operational Meteorology. 这个实验室由一个九块的天气图显示器组成, 模型和雷达AD卫星显示, 以及用于视频显示和教学的松下Panaboard. 几个偏远的气象站, 哪些是用来收集天气模型数据的, 安置在麦库姆斯中心, 太阳能房屋, 博尼利亚科学馆 and the Headwaters—all which are remotely accessible. There are eight workstations for students to use during in-class assignments.

This lab allows students to process data collected from extensive fieldwork in and around campus using state-of-the-art forecasting equipment. Special project equipment includes a stand-alone Orion Weather station, 两个倾卸斗降水计, 手持红隼天气和风速计, Labquest II data acquisition systems with high temporal resolution temperature and pressure sensors, 吊索干湿表, 热流传感器和红外温度计. 学生 can also access lab samples that include multiple tree cross-sections (tree ring analysis) and one ocean floor core sample. The University also operates and maintains a weather observation system for the 国家气象局.

营养厨房实验室, 位于博尼拉科学大厅的三楼, offers 校本 students the opportunity to get hands-on cooking experience. 这个实验室配备了七个实验站, with one lab station built in accordance with the American Disability Act (ADA) standards, 还有一个示范站. Each lab station accommodates three students and is equipped with a four gas-burner cooking range, 可伸缩的向下通风系统, 烤箱, 一台微波炉和一个双隔间不锈钢水槽. 另外, there is a dining room and a cold storage room equipped with a commercial stainless-steel refrigerator, 冰箱, 制冰机和地铁货架.

营养厨房实验室 are occupied five days a week for various classes including elective courses as International Cuisine, 世界美食, 并用于本科生和研究生的研究项目. 自2015年以来, the miniGEMS program has brought future women scientists from middle schools in the San Antonio Independent School District to 校本 for summer camps. The summer camp utilizes the Kitchen Lab for producing nutritious meals for attendees.



The 道成肉身的大学’s 太阳能房屋 is designed and used by the 校本 Department of Engineering. 房子里的太阳能电池阵列全年为它供电. The house counts with energy efficient features, such as its Sun Power PV Panels. It also has recycled features like its ECO recycled glass countertops and its Trex decking (made from recycled milk bottles). Among other sustainable features, the house has cork flooring and Parawood (rubber tree) cabinets. It has water efficiency with its low flow plumbing fixtures and a dual flush toilet. 除了, it has indoor air quality thanks to its green glass fiberglass faced interior board (temple-inland), 哪个是防霉的. 它产生的清洁能源比运行大楼所需的要多.

太阳能屋符合美国残疾人法, and it has Platinum LEED certification by USGBC Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. 高年级设计学生利用这个空间进行研究和规划. 它是一个游客中心, 服务设施, and as an inspiration for technical innovation to students and the community.
